Space Forums

Every week, the Space Exploration Society at Berkeley hosts student-facilitated Space Forums: a discussion space with topics regarding space, exploration, and the universe! Anyone interested is welcome to attend. They will meet regularly on Wednesdays 5:30-7pm (starting at Berkeley time) in 131B Campbell Hall. The first 10-20 minutes will be delegated towards general SESB updates (upcoming events, opportunities, etc). Bring friends. Bring opinions. We want this to be an open discussion. Hope to see you all then!

**Anyone can lead upcoming forums! Please contact Kareem Shaik or email us if you are interested in facilitating a topic of your choice!**

Man vs Machine: The Future of Space Exploration February 18,2015 in 131B Campbell

'Bots or 'nauts? Lots of thoughts! Come to this week's Space Forum, facilitated this week by Kareem Shaik, to discuss the proper place for people and their creations in space - from the role of the International Space Station to the potential for colonizing planets, and engage in the ongoing debate over the future of space exploration!

The Search for Extraterrestrial Life February 11,2015 in 131B Campbell

Abigail Iturra will be the first student facilitator. We will converse over the following points: The history of SETI (brief overview), the technologies/methods utilized in searching, why are we searching?, should we be searching? is it pointless?